Yuav ua li cas qhia ib tug dev los so nws paws?
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Yuav ua li cas qhia ib tug dev los so nws paws?

In principle, it is possible to teach a dog to imitate wiping its paws, but if it has the ability to do so. Some dogs (but not all!) after urination or defecation begin to scrape both front and hind paws on the ground. It is believed that this is a legacy of the wolf past of dogs. The fact is that wolves, as territorial animals, enclose their territory with scent marks (urinary drops and feces). Scuffing with paws contributes to the spreading of soil with particles of urine and feces and thereby makes the scent mark more expressive. Some ethologists believe that scrapes have meaning in and of themselves, as marks. The fact is that wolves and dogs sweat their paws; scratching on the ground, they leave marks on it and scatter particles of earth with the smell of their sweat.

So, if you have a dog in which several wolf genes got lost, then you can teach it to shuffle its paws.

To do this, carefully observe the dog for several days. It is necessary to identify behavioral signs that precede scratching. This is extremely important for using the method of behavior selection or catching, as the great trainer V. Durov called this method.

Yuav ua li cas qhia ib tug dev los so nws paws?

After that, you can start shaping the behavior.

On a walk, noting the act of urination or defecation, as soon as you notice a behavioral sign that precedes scratching, immediately repeat the command, for example: “Wipe your paws!”. Repeat several times until the scratching, and after the dog shuffles its paws, give it something tasty. Something she loves very much. And, of course, without sparing emotions, praise her.

After 5-10 such catches, check if a connection has formed: give the command without waiting for urination or defecation. If the dog “wipes” its paws, praise it very expressly and emotionally. If not, keep catching. And stock up on optimism.

Reinforce, especially at the beginning, any shuffling-like movements with the paws. And, of course, demand more similarity over time. And with the first similar movements, go to the mat. There should be only one rug.

The speed of learning is determined by two factors: the dog’s intelligence and your talent for training.

Scuffing paws - this is of course a trick. And the dog’s paws need to be wiped for real, especially after rain and in autumn. And, if the dog does not allow the owner to do this, this is a serious problem.

So your dog won’t let you dry his paws. And you really want to fix the situation?

Yuav ua li cas qhia ib tug dev los so nws paws?

Please note that dog paws - the most important organ. Remember the saying: feet feed the wolf? They also feed the dog. And trust the breadwinner anyhow who should not. What I’m saying is, if your dog won’t let you wipe its paws, then you’re not really the owner from their point of view. Offended? Then let’s start.

Stop feeding your dog just like that. Pour the daily dose of food into a bowl and place it higher so that the dog does not get it. Call the dog from time to time, and when he comes, touch either paw with your hand and immediately give the dog a pellet of food. Touch again and give the pellet again. And so on, until the dog has eaten his daily dose of food.

If the dog shows aggression or unwillingness, do not insist. Step away from her and pause. The main thing – do not feed the dog just like that.

Feed your dog like this until he can tolerate being touched. After that, proceed to the next step.

Yuav ua li cas qhia ib tug dev los so nws paws?

In the next step, grab the paw with your hand, immediately release it and give the dog a pellet of food. Be persistent and patient; if the dog shows aggression or resists, take a break from feeding.

In the next step, hold the dog’s paws longer.

And at the next stage, do not just hold the paw, but remember it a little with your hand.

And so with each paw. Wrinkled with one hand, wrinkled with the other. Gradually increase the time of contact with the paw and the intensity of the “wrinkle”. You can add a few more steps, but finish everything with a rag.

Yuav ua li cas qhia ib tug dev los so nws paws?

If the dog shows any resistance or aggression, stop feeding. You must prove to the dog that the only way to eat and, accordingly, stay alive - This is a “paw massage”. Convince her of this, and there will be no problems. The dog itself will begin to offer you to wipe its paws.

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