Puas yog tus dev lub qhov ntswg qhuav yog qhov cim ntawm kev mob?
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Puas yog tus dev lub qhov ntswg qhuav yog qhov cim ntawm kev mob?

First, it is worth saying that a dry dog ​​nose is not always a sign of pathology. That is, having noticed such a “symptom” in your pet, you do not need to be immediately scared. First you need to watch your pet.

Secondly, there are not one or even two reasons for a “dry nose”, in addition, external factors also affect the “wetness”. Let’s try to figure out when you should not worry, and when it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Puas yog tus dev lub qhov ntswg qhuav yog qhov cim ntawm kev mob?

A dog’s nose is a very complex organ. In addition to the main function – breathing – it is also responsible for several other things. It is the moisture at the tip of the nose that dogs owe their delicate scent; in addition, the nose also performs the function of a thermostat, because dogs do not know how to sweat like people.

When does the nose become dry?

First, during or immediately after sleep. When an animal sleeps (this also applies to people, by the way, too), all processes in the body slow down. Including the development of a special lubricant for the nose.

Secondly, after heavy loads. If your pet just finished a marathon chasing a cheeky squirrel in the park or completed all the tasks on the playground, the nose may be dry. Remember: after a long run, you want to drink and your mouth dries up. It’s the same with dogs.

Thirst is just the third point, because of which the dog’s nose can become dry.

The fourth point is heat. The dog breathes with its mouth open just in order to lower its body temperature. At this time, the nose becomes dry, because the evaporation of any moisture leads to cooling.

Puas yog tus dev lub qhov ntswg qhuav yog qhov cim ntawm kev mob?

Fifth, dry nose can be observed in pregnant and lactating dogs, as well as in small puppies. In the first case, this is due to hormonal changes and an increased load on the body, in the second – with the development of the animal. If at the same time the pet is cheerful and cheerful, then there is no reason to panic.

Sixth, a dry nose in dogs can be just an individual feature, the reasons for which can often not be found.

But all these six points are true only if a dry nose is the only sign of a dog’s strange condition. If the nose is dry, and there is also some discharge from it, then we are talking about a pathological process. Also, if the animal has lost its appetite, is lethargic, or has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then a dry nose will only be a concomitant symptom of some kind of pathology.

Puas yog tus dev lub qhov ntswg qhuav yog qhov cim ntawm kev mob?

Your doctor will help you determine exactly what led to dry nose. It is not necessary to immediately go to the veterinary clinic. In the Petstory application, you can describe the problem and get qualified help from a veterinarian online. In case of any doubt, it is better to consult in order not to miss the onset of the disease. Perhaps your pet is tired or just “worn out”. Or maybe he needs treatment.

By asking questions to the doctor, you can accurately exclude the disease or make sure that you need a face-to-face consultation and treatment. Moreover, the first consultation costs only 199 rubles. You can download the application from txuas.

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